Way Kambas National Park is the habitat of Sumatran Rhinoceros, Sumatran Elephant, Sumatran Tiger, Tapir, Bear honey, Red monkey, siamang, Duck Forest, Birds of Little Snake and many other animals.
As for Potential Flora Way Kambas National Park is representative of lowland forest ecosystem consisting of freshwater swamp forests, desert shrubs alang-alang/semak, and coastal forests in Sumatra.
This area consists of freshwater swamp forests, desert shrubs and forest alang-alang/semak brackish / beach with a type of flora that is: Api-api, Pidada, Nipah, Gelam, Salam, mire, Ketapang (Terminalia cattapa), Sea Pines, Pandan , Puspa, Meranti, Oil, Merbau, Pulai, Bayur, Keruing, Laban and others.
Visit best season in July to September. Some locations / attractions to be visited include:
Elephant Training Center (PLG) Karangsari
Wild elephants are trained at the Elephant Training Center (ETC) situated 9 km from gate signpost Ijo founded in 1985 and has produced about 290 trained elephants. The elephants can be used as elephant riding, attractions, transport of wood and plow fields. At the Elephant Training Centre can be witnessed Coach and educate and train wild elephants, elephant attraction witnessed incredible (playing ball, dancing, shaking hands, respectful, draping flowers, tug of war, swimming and many other attractions.)
Way Kanan, for research activities and the Sumatran rhino breeding with natural laboratory facilities and homeless researcher.
Way Kambas, for camping activities.
Kali Rawa Biru, Rawa Gajah, and Kuala Kambas, to scour the river activities Way Kanan, animal observation (forest ducks, egrets, deer, migratory birds), sword grass and mangrove forest.
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