Beach tourism is a tourist destination that attracts visitors most, Also suitable for a family beach resorts can also be an outpouring of one's feelings in advance. This time we will visit Yogyakarta is a major tourist destination in Indonesia. Yogyakarta is not only famous as the city of Yogyakarta students but also famous for its cultural value. A lot of cultural diversity in Yogyakarta and certainly Enchantment south coast of Yogyakarta Yogyakarta also be unique. 

A broad coastal plain will soon greet when visiting Glagah Beach. The extent of this coastal plain gives you the opportunity to stretch the view to all corners. Stretches foresight, you can see the horizon line that brings the great length of the sky and sea. While the beauty of shoreline curves will feast their eyes when their eyes to the west or east.
Broad coastal plains and long coastline which also gives you a number of alternative sites to see beautiful views of the beach. Each location has a different feel as though still located in one area. At each location, you can enjoy all the beauty of the beach freely, there is absolutely no giant rocks that sometimes block the view of the eye.
The first location is very appropriate to see the beach scene is a location that will be the port the next few years. You can see him when you've reached the first turn of the postal charges, the sign is a signpost bearing the PP. Watershed meeting with the full harmony of ocean waves can be seen by climbing a substation of view found there.
Throughout the first location to a few hundred meters to the west, you will see a lagoon with a water flow toward the mouth of the river. Laguna beach is divided into two areas, locations that are still covered by some coastal plants and grasses and sand dune location directly adjacent to the ocean. You can cross to the location of a connecting road through the sand dune that is located not far from the mouth of the river.
Walk further to the west, you can see the activities of local people and some tourists fishing. When YogYES visit, they looked up and march, following the coastline lined holding fishing rods. Gently sloping beach area gives grace enough fish in large enough quantities. A number of stalls offering seafood also there, serving a variety of menu worth trying.
In addition to the beautiful coastal scenery, beach Glagah also has a variety of coastal tourism facilities. One is the motor cross area which is located right on the beach with an area large enough, to give satisfaction for you fans of this sport. Meanwhile, the paved road that connects Glagah beach with other beaches can be used as an arena for sports bikes beach.
You can even enjoy the beach by visiting the plantation agro Wanadri Kusumo. There, you can observe a variety of plant cultivation process panacea, such as dragon fruit and flowers Roselle. In addition, you can also hire gethek, canoeing and rowing ducks that can be used for tours of the lagoon or just a wooden bridge crossing over to the location of dune sand on the seashore.
Tired of traveling, you can rest in the huts in the area of the plantation Lesbian Wanadri Kusumo. A number of exotic food and drink menu are worth trying. You can taste the fresh dragon fruit juice and is known to cure various diseases, or ordering ice Roselle flower syrup that is able to quench your thirst at once neutralize a variety of toxins in the body.
To enjoy the whole beauty of the scenery Glagah beach, you can go through two alternative roads. First, running south through the streets of Bantul and turn right onto the path of Bantul - Purworejo after arriving at Palbapang. Second, walk west past the trajectory path of Yogyakarta - Wates - Purworejo and turn left following the signpost to the beach Glagah encounter. You can use a private vehicle for easier access.
The trip to the beach is not as difficult as the trip to the beach in the South Mountain region. Impassable roads tend to be flat and not much incline so you can go it while relaxing. Trajectory toward the town of Purworejo it also connects Glagah with other beaches in the District Kulonprogo. So, once paddling oars, two three islands exceeded, you can visit other beaches thereafter.
It's a beautiful beach, maybe that's the right word if you come to this beach.
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